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Does your company need expertise to take your vision to the next level?

Equifaira Management is a team of professionals with a track record of guiding businesses to achieve extraordinary growth. We can quickly assess your business, ascertain its growth potential and the requirements needed to achieve it.

Our Three Stage Process

Phase I – Assessment
Equifaira assists Founders in developing an equity model that concludes with a targeted liquidity outcome. We conduct a due diligence review of their business and prepare a strategic plan and recommendations report
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Phase II – Engagement
Upon a successful Assessment phase, Equifaira engages with Founders in strategy planning & execution, organizational structure set-up, and capital formation.
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Phase III – Implementation
Spanning multiple years, Equifaira continues to help develop strategy and deploy execution at a “C-level and V-level” integration.
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Equifaira provides a suite of services designed to meet the needs of Founders throughout every stage of their business development.

Business founders start a business with a great idea and may attract early investors, however they are now in a position where they need additional capital and skilled resources to take their business to the next level. 

They understand that without an exceptional strategy, execution and a clear equity model, their vision is unfulfilled and can lead to early investors feeling under-rewarded.

We at Equifaira Management understand this predicament and offer a partnership solution with professionals ready to roll up their sleeves and work beside founders to achieve their business ambitions and a liquidity outcome.

Equifaira Services


Equity Management

Equifaira assists Founders to develop a multi-year model for raising and responsibly deploying capital that:

  • is hyper sensitive to dilution.
  • enables the development of the company.
  • aligns the goals of all stakeholders of a positive liquidity outcome.

Strategic Planning

Equifaira engages with Founders and their leadership teams to develop strategic plans for the growth of their business operations. Together we build a roadmap for the scale up of the business whilst keeping the end in mind.


Operational Execution

Scaling up a business is all about having a robust plan and then executing it as a model corporation. Equifaira embeds team members with expertise in an area not well represented in the skill set of the Founders’ existing leadership team.


Investor Relations

Equifaira manages the investor relations program for our clients. We set high standards of transparency and compliance with engagement with our stakeholders.

Expertise & Experience

Key Market Segments

Opening the Door to Private Investing

Contact us to find out about Equifaira Management’s services.

Making private investment available for everyone.